* One Life to Live Recaps: The week of January 5, 2004 on OLTL | Soap Central

One Life to Live Recaps: The week of January 5, 2004 on OLTL

Dorian convinced Blair to file rape charges against Todd, while Todd told Viki the sex had been consensual. Troy held Lindsay, Jessica and Natalie hostage. Rae suspected that Troy was the Music Box Killer. Gabrielle did not respond to Bo's CPR. Joey returned his wedding ring and advised Jen that their marriage had been a mistake..
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One Life to Live Recaps: The week of January 5, 2004 on OLTL
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the week of January 5, 2004
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December 29, 2003
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January 12, 2004

Monday, January 5, 2004

Dorian's House

Blair races down the stairs trying to escape Todd/Walker. She runs into Dorian who wants to know what's going on. A desperate Todd/Walker follows. Blair screams at him to leave but he won't budge. Dorian asks Blair, "what has he done?" Dorian tells him if he doesn't go she will call the police. David comes from the living room and looks at the disheveled Blair and asks, "did he do this to you?" Blair doesn't answer. Todd/Walker tells David, "this is between me and my wife." David tells him he has to leave but Todd/Walker was adamant. So David drags Todd/Walker to the door then pushes him out and slams and chains the door. David turns and asks Blair, "what did he do to you?" Dorian says, "I know what he did. He did to you what he did in college." Blair yells back, "NO DORIAN DON'T SAY THAT".(Sidebar: Don't think we forgot what he did in college and let's say it together "Marty Saybrooke").

New Year's Party

Bo holds a limp Gabrielle in his arms. He performs CPR but she does not respond. Nora rushes in with news about Troy and sees Bo trying to resuscitate Gabrielle and telling her how much he loves her. She is in shock. Nora calls John McBain on her cell phone and tells him that the Music Box Killer (MBK) has struck again.

Rex won't leave Jen alone, so Marcie's brother Ron comes to the rescue. He is rewarded by Jen throwing herself at him. She gets dismissed.

Nora finds Al/Michael (sidebar: these days I feel slightly schizophrenic myself trying to remember who is pulling double duty). Nora tells him they need a doctor upstairs and takes him with her to help Gabrielle.

Viki's House

Kevin talks to Viki about his divorce from Kelly. He admits to her he has fallen in love with Blair. Viki does not respond happily. Kevin says, "well don't look so happy for me." Viki responds, "Baby, Blair is a very complicated person." Kevin goes on to defend Blair by saying she has been hurt by the people she loved most. Viki reminds him that he said that Blair wasn't able to let Todd/Walker go and somehow something always draws them back together. She also tells him that Blair and Todd's relationship is very destructive and she doesn't want to see him get caught up. While Viki is talking, Kevin has flashbacks of his night with Blair. He says, "I thinks it's a little too late for that." Viki asks, "what do you mean by that?" He says, "don't worry Mom, I'm not going anywhere, Blair's not ready to leave Todd. To be honest with you I don't know what's going to finally make her do it, but I hope she does before he destroys her."

Dorian's House

Starr rushes down the stairs and demands to know what's going on. Blair begs her to go back up stairs. True to Starr form she says, "No, why isn't anybody telling me why everybody's yelling." Todd/Walker bangs on the door yelling for Blair to open up and let him in. Starr hears it's Todd/Walker and rushes to the door. Blair panics and tells her to get away from the door and go upstairs. Dorian jumps in and asks the same. Todd/ Walker says he's not leaving. David is confused as to why she keeps calling him Todd. Dorian, "because that's who he is." Starr pleads with Blair to let him in that he's just upset. Todd/Walker says he's going to kick the door down, then Blair threatens to call the police, but Starr yells no. The banging stops. Dorian thinks he's gone, but David knows better. David thinks Todd/Walker is looking for another way into the house. Starr says she won't let Blair call the cops and put her dad in jail. Dorian says, "he deserves to go to jail for what he did." Blair tells Dorian to stop it. Dorian goes in the living room. David goes to check outside. Starr storms upstairs after telling Blair that all Todd/Walker ever wanted was for them to be a family again. A scream comes from the living room, it's Dorian.

Dorian's House: Living Room

Todd/Walker has broken the glass to the door and his hand is inside trying to unlock the door. Dorian searches her desk drawer. (I wonder what's she's looking for?)

Viki's House

Viki tells Kevin he has a behavior pattern. He always falls for women he can't have. First Cassie (Andrew's wife), Kelly (Joey's wife), and now Todd's wife Blair. He defends himself by saying Kelly was the one who had an affair in Texas, and Blair was not with Todd when he came to town. Viki says, "yeah, but she's your wife's cousin." (Sidebar: I am loving this Kevin. He's a keeper). Kevin says he would be with Blair if Todd didn't come back. Viki says even if Todd and Blair break up, Kevin should take some time to himself. The doorbell rings. It's Kelly.

The New Year's Party

Al/Michael tries to revive Gabrielle desperately, but she is dead. The ambulance sirens come closer.

Dorian's House: Living Room

Dorian has a gun in her hand. David arrives and takes it from her. He points it at Todd/Walker and threatens to shoot. Todd/Walker says he doesn't have the guts. David says, "What? Are you kidding? I use to dream about this moment from that hell hole of a prison you put me in TODD."

Viki's House

Kevin leaves Kelly and Viki. Kelly makes some remark about her being the only one who takes her marriage vows seriously. Viki tells her she is not in any position to say that. Kelly now knows Kevin told Viki about her affair in Texas.

Dorian's House: Living Room

David taunts Todd/Walker, "you don't look half bad for a dead guy. Leave now or I'll put you back in the grave." Todd/Walker leaves. Dorian wish they shot him while they had the chance. David gives Dorian the gun while he goes and checks the grounds. Brave David. Dorian tries to convince Blair to call the police but she refuses.


Todd later returns and runs into Starr. She convinces him to leave with her. Blair goes upstairs to check on her and panics when she finds her missing.

New Year's Party

Jen decides to leave, but is stopped by Ron. He tells her he will see her home since the MBK is on the loose. As they proceed to leave, Rex stops them. Rex begins to trash talk Jen but Ron puts him in his place, "...I will slap that grin off your face." Marcie gives Greg the low down on Rex and Jen.

Al/Michael continues to try to revive the dead body of Gabrielle. Al/Michael takes it hard. John is curious why.

Viki's House

Kelly tells Viki she understands why Viki is taking Kevin's side because he's her son. Viki tells her she is not taking anyone's side. Kelly says, "well you are certainly not convincing him to stay with me." Viki says because she is not sure it is the right thing for both of them. Kelly says he loves her she knows it. (sidebar: when did Kelly get silly and crazy oh I'm sorry she's a Cramer she been crazy silly came when she went to Texas). Kelly talks about how much she loves Kevin and wants their marriage to work. She begins to cry. (new Kelly is great). Kelly says if it weren't for Blair she and Kevin would still be together and be happy (is she right? I think so).

New Year's Party

John McBain makes an announcement to everyone about the MBK and that it might be Troy Maclver. Daniel asks John what's going on? He makes some crude remark about Bo, if he's investigating the murder or is he off with his girlfriend. John tells him she was the latest victim.

Viki's House

Viki tells Kelly that no third party can break up a relationship. Kelly admits her mistakes and she has tried to make up for them but Kevin won't let her. Viki tells her to let him go.

New Year's Party

Bo talks to Nora about Gabrielle. He says she's been through so much. Nora asks if she was happy tonight and Bo reflects on her and him earlier that evening. (sidebar: I can't believe Gabrielle is gone. I remember how crazy she was when she was with Max years ago her mascara always running cause she was always crying for him sniff sniff.) Bo goes to look for Troy.

John sees a somber Michael leaning against the wall. He says, "I thought doctors were use to this kind of thing." Al/Michael "some doctors, but she was someone's mother."

Asa's House

Kevin comes home and tells Kelly he is having a press conference to announce his divorce. Kelly gets enraged that he would destroy a political career that took so much work to build. She tells him he will be dropped so fast when it is announced that he will be dead in politics, does he want to be rid of her that much?

Dorian's House

She gets a phone call from Starr who said she is with her father and she won't let her have Todd arrested. Todd/Walker takes the phone and tell Blair she will never see Starr again. Dorian tells her to call the police and tell them what he did, tell them he raped her and they would put him in jail then she can get Starr back. Blair says nothing. (sidebar: Blair is still not affirming or denying that Todd/Walker raped her. Is Blair angry and vindictive enough to say he did when he didn't?)

Tuesday, January 6, 2004

Viki's House

Viki and Harrison return from a late night/early morning date. He worms his way in with some lame excuse about recycling. The phone rings and she gets the news that Gabrielle is dead.

The Hospital

Bo tells Nora the Medical Examiner said Gabrielle died of a broken neck. She was attacked from behind. He goes to call it in. Marcie walks up to Nora and tells her how nice Gabrielle was to her when Al died. Al/Michael asks Luna to bring Gabrielle back. He asks her to switch places with him. He said he will die all over again if it means he could save his mother's life

Todd's Hotel

Starr looks at a map of the US, while Todd spaces out. She tells him she's never seen her mom so mad before, even when he told her who he really was. "What did you do that made her so mad?" she asks.

Dorian's House

Blair sits despondently on a chair as Dorian wraps her in a blanket. Dorian tells her to drink some tea to feel better. Blair hasn't spoken since she spoke with Todd on the phone. Dorian tells her she is taking her to the hospital. She says if they don't go to the hospital they will never be able to prove what he did to her and she will never get her daughter back if she lets him get away with doing what he did to her.


Luna tries to reason with Al/Michael. Luna has him close his eyes. He is transported to the place with the little girl who explains to him he has nothing to fear for Gabrielle. She tells him that he should understand since he has seen first hand that where Gabrielle is going she will find the peace she's been looking for. He returns to reality, where Luna tells him his destiny is there while Gabrielle's is elsewhere.

Dorian and Blair walk in. Dorian tells the doctor that her niece needs to see a doctor right away. The doctor asks what's wrong. Dorian says, "she's been raped."

Todd's Hotel

Todd tells Starr that Blair got really angry with him because he lied about who he really is and she wanted to get back at him. He says what she did made him really angry and when he tried to talk to her it didn't come out right. He said she didn't want to hear the truth, so he tried to show her. He says, "sometimes a person just doesn't get it and they think that you want to hurt them when you're not trying to hurt them, you're trying to love them."

Viki's House

Kevin and Kelly argue some more about not ending the marriage and if he does it will destroy his political career. He tells her he won't stay in a "loveless" marriage simply for his job. Kelly is taken aback by his words. He says ending the marriage is the best thing. He leaves. Kelly talks out loud to herself. "It's not the best thing for me Kevin, you're not going to take this away from me. Not without a fight."

Police Station

Bo spits out orders to an officer to dig up every paper work on Troy. Nora enters his office with a list of all the places she and Troy went to and all the places he told her he went to. He gets angry at Nora for telling him to take it easy. She tells him that Troy says he is innocent and is being framed.


A male doctor gives a female doctor the status on Blair. The female doctor asks if Blair said she was raped. The male doctor says, "no, her aunt did." The female doctor wonders why, he told her the patient was unresponsive. The female doctor says she will talk to her and see if she wants the police brought in. The female doctor enters Blair's room and introduces herself as Dr. Perez. Dorian tells her that Blair has been raped. Dr. Perez says she needs to hear that from Blair and asks Dorian to leave the room so she can examine Blair alone. Dorian leaves.

Todd's Hotel

Starr suggests to Todd that the keep running. She compares their life on the run to a movie. He tells her to get some sleep. Todd asks her if she would miss Jack. She said when he gets older they can come for him. He asks if she would miss her mom, but she is already asleep.


Dr. Perez exits Blair's room. She tells Dorian that she has given Blair a sedative because is under emotional stress. Dorian asks her if she called the police. Dr. Perez says she couldn't since Blair did not say she was raped. She says the bruises Blair suffered could be from consensual sex. Dorian is outraged. Blair tosses and turns in her sleep, she keeps saying, "Todd, Todd, Todd"

Police Station

Marcie asks Al/Michael what he's doing there. He tells her he's there to talk to Bo. He asks her if she was close to Gabrielle. She tells him she was there for her to deal with her grief after Al's death.

Bo works through he night with no big lead on Troy.

Lindsay's Gallery

Lindsay reads the paper with Troy on the cover. Ronny Walsh stops by looking for Jen, but she left for New York to get out of danger. Lindsay tells Ron she was in love with Troy, but he left her for someone who didn't love him. She says, "when you love someone who doesn't love you back, you're capable of anything."

Asa's House

Kevin meets with Governor Harrison and Asa. Kevin tells Harrison that he and Kelly are getting a divorce. Asa and Harrison defend Kelly. Harrison tells Kevin he has had a divorce before and the people won't like it. They will have a lot of questions.

Hospital Next Day

Dr. Perez releases Blair. Dorian is not happy. She tells Blair she cannot believe she is letting Todd get away with it.

Todd's Hotel

Todd tells a sleeping Starr that they are not running away, they are going home. He takes her out of bed.

Asa's House

Kevin tells Asa and Harrison that he will not lie about his marriage. They argue about loyalty, integrity and ideals. Asa asks Kevin, "what do you think this is, High School?" Kevin defends himself and storms out. Viki stands outside the door listening. When Kevin leaves she walks in and tells Harrison she is very proud of her son and that she won't be having dinner with him, ever. She leaves. Asa and Harrison agree that if Kevin goes public with his divorce they will all face ruin. Asa calls Kelly.

Police Station

Al/Michael asks Marcie on a date. She tells him she has other plans, but gives him a little hope.

Ron shows up and tells her to wait for him, he doesn't want her going home alone. She tells him not to worry that Greg is taking her to dinner and he will take her home. Ron goes on to tell her he is moving out of Roxy's and into Angel Square Hotel, but he will need a roommate. Al/Michael has a sly look on his face.

Lindsay's Gallery

Lindsay talks on the phone with Jen. Nora walks in and warns her to look out for Troy.

Dorian's House

Blair is quiet. Dorian tells her she is worried about her. Blair says, "we were so in love...how could he do it? How could he do it to me?"

Asa's House

Kelly descends the stairs all donned in red (sidebar: viper) Asa complements her look. She is pleased with herself that they are going to beat Kevin to the press.

Viki's House

Kevin apologizes for what she overheard at Asa's. Viki says she is proud of him. He leaves.

Living Room

Viki enters the living room to see Todd with a sleeping Starr in his lap.

Dorian's House

Blair is crying, "how could he hurt me like this?" Dorian tells her is in incapable of loving and belongs in prison and some day Starr will know what kind of man he is. Dorian urges her to tell the police. She insists again that is the only way Blair will get her children. Blair gathers her courage and makes the phone call, "hello... I'd like to report a rape."

Outside Police Station

Al/Michael asks Ron if he could be his roommate. Ron is hesitant and tells him he will think about it. Ron walks away. Marcie overhears and asks Al/ Michael if he is out of his mind.

Inside Police Station

Nora tells Bo the boss wants to talk to him. Bo thinks he is being suspended.

Lindsay's Gallery

Lindsay gets ready to leave. She opens the door to find Troy. She asks, "what are you doing here?" He says, "I have no where else to go."

Wednesday, January 7, 2004

Surprised by Troy's appearance at the gallery, Lindsay manages to pull a gun from a drawer and point it at him. She reminds him of his past treatment of her but he explains that he was ill then and dares her to shoot him. "...death would be too good for you...I want you to suffer on death row," she snarls at him. Grabbing her and ripping the phone from her as she attempts to call the police, Troy insists he's innocent and wants her to believe him. She finally hesitatingly agrees.

John and Nora discuss Bo and the case but he admits that he's stumped. Something is bothering him but he can't seem to pinpoint it. They learn that the victims' student ids have been found behind a grate in Troy's cell. Nora suggests he go home to clear his mind.

Kelly calls attention to herself by telling a television audience that she and Kevin will become parents and that she wants to stop the rumors of her ill-fated marriage. Kevin catches it at Asa's place and is quietly infuriated. Asa believes Kelly to be pregnant and is disturbed by Kevin's reaction. When she comes bouncing in, radiant and happy to see her husband and giving him a hug, he warns his grandson to watch his treatment of his pregnant wife. Kelly basically dares him to divorce her now that everyone knows their situation. He refuses to believe that she's pregnant; she refuses to answer any of his questions. Flash is going crazy being constantly watched by the police guard and Asa suggests she make a trip to St. Blaze's, an island that he owns. She decides that she won't be forced away.

Todd shows up at Llanfair with Starr and prevents Viki from calling Blair. In response to her question of what happened, Todd informs her that his wife had sex with Kevin at the Palace, that they had a fight and made up "kind of." Starr became upset after the fight and was going to leave anyhow. The desperate man begs Viki for help. She informs him that he needs to return Starr. He recounts the details of his run-in with Blair. She attacked him and then they made love. She tripped and fell but he knows she still loves him. When Jess bursts in, confused over a news report that a dead Todd is wanted for kidnapping Starr, he gently breaks the news that the man she thought was Walker is indeed Todd. After getting over the initial shock, she confesses that she missed him and that she and her mom need him. They want him to be happy.

Dorian convinces Blair to press rape charges against Todd. A skeptical Nora is willing to listen but warns her that she must be willing to stand behind anything that she says. As Todd tells his story to Viki, Blair has quite a different version for Nora - Todd attacked her and raped her. Nora advises an irate Dorian that Todd's previous bad acts cannot be mentioned in court and that it will be quite difficult to prove rape. Blair will not be able to back out later, once the wheels get set in motion, she continues. Blair is insistent and Nora agrees to have Todd picked up.

Dorian is not around when Aunt Betsy stops by, livid, with incriminating photographs of Paul. David invites her in, arousing her curiosity when he tells her he has the answer for her. He proceeds to talk about Dorian's illegitimate daughter, Adriana, raised by nuns in Puerto Rico. The girl is sweet and pure, he continues. Who better to collect Aunt Betsy's money? The elderly woman asks David what's in it for him; she decides to put her will on hold until she can check this information out further. Paul lurks nearby, listening. Once the woman is gone, David calls Carlotta for the name of Adriana's school and calling them, confirms that she's there. After he heads out, Paul calls upstairs to River. Giving him the information, he also offers the use of his officer's uniform for a free flight to Puerto Rico. He'll clear the way for him, he offers.

Natalie has a gift for John; it's paint, cleaned out from Cris' studio. John is confused but she advises him that his walls look terrible and she thought he might like to touch them up a bit. Learning that he's stymied on the case, she offers to help out, taking notes as he states the facts. Realizing that he still has a mental block, John decides that painting might be a good thing. The two share a moment when the FBI agent accidentally gets paint all over his favorite shirt and yet again when, as he unbuttons the shirt for Nat to clean it, she spots an old injury, from a bullet. Learning that he lost someone that he was trying to save, she realizes that he really did understand how she felt. Riley, who wants to let John know that Flash is going to sneak past her constant guard and get into trouble, interrupts their moment. He also wants to know if they can live together so that she can get out from the stifling atmosphere at Asa's place. Nat decides it's a good time to collect Cris' paintings from the gallery and leaves the two alone. John refuses to call off the guards, even though Flash may have only been a decoy. Furthermore, she's safest at Asa's for the time being. Riley agrees to convince his girlfriend to stay. Heading to the police station, John asks Nora if she thinks that Troy is capable of all of the killings. Her mind on her newest case, she begs off, offering to talk about it later on.

Flash is happy to see Riley and asks if they can live together. A stern Asa won't have it.

Dorian notifies Kelly of the rape charges who in turn tells her husband that it's all his fault. Todd found out what he did.

Viki insists again that Todd call Blair which he does, asking Blair to call the cops off because he has Starr and she's fine. She informs him of the rape charges that were just filed against him.

Nat picks up a baffled Jess at Llanfair and learns that her sister has something big to tell her. They get to the gallery to pick up Cris' paintings while Troy hides when they show up. Nat doesn't take Lindsay's suggestion that she come back another time when everything is ready for her, but instead is intent on gathering the small paintings up. Unfortunately, she spots a hiding Troy who aims his gun at her and walks out. The three women are in danger.

Thursday, January 8, 2004

Al tells John that he is moving in with Ron. Seeing his mother's picture on the wall with the rest of the Music Box Killer's victims disturbs Al. When Ron comes looking for Michael, the two head downstairs, where they help Roxy convince Nigel not to redecorate the hotel.

Jen is upset when she receives Joey's wedding ring in the mail with a letter stating that their marriage was a mistake. Marcie tries to convince her friend that Joe is right, but Jen gets upset and leaves. When Jen goes to Ultraviolet, Rex finds out she is skipping her final exams and tells her that he is worried about her. When a man comes in looking for Karen, Jen tells him she was murdered. When he asks her to strip for his party, she accepts his offer, shocking both Rex and Marcie. When Marcie steps in, the man storms off, taking his money back, and the girls call a truce.

Troy takes Natalie and Jessica hostage while Lindsay tries to control him. Pretending to be sick, Jessica lies on the floor and slips a note under the door that they need help. When Antonio shows up, Troy demands that Lindsay get rid of him. Just as Antonio is about to leave, he spots the note and calls John. While Antonio knocks on the door to distract Troy, John sneaks in the back. As he is arrested, Troy insists that he is innocent. When Rae doesn't feel comfortable talking to Troy, she calls in Stephen and they question him about his involvement with the Music Box Killings.

Friday, January 9, 2004

David tells Dorian that Adriana is missing from her school. They worry that River got to her with Paul's help. Pine Valley's Babe Chandler asks Paul for help changing the paternity results of her pregnancy in exchange for keeping their marriage a secret.

Todd asks Kelly to meet him so he can discuss Blair's charges with him. He insists that he is innocent, and reminds her that Blair slept with Kevin. After leaving, Kelly calls David and insists that he doesn't tell Dorian that they are meeting. Kelly asks David to sleep with her but when he refuses, she asks if he is in love with Dorian.

Blair tells Jessica and Viki that Todd raped her, but Jessica defends her uncle. When Viki questions her, Blair remains adamant that she is telling the truth. Finding her mother at Llanfair, Starr refuses to leave with her. After her daughter storms off, Blair tells Viki again that she is telling the truth. Todd shows up and a confrontation ensues leaving Viki to insist that her brother turn himself in. Later, Nora finds Blair and tells her that the results of her test shows that Blair had sex with two different men that night. When Blair insists that she press charges against him, the police go to Viki's to arrest Todd.

Nora shows Bo the medical examiner's photograph of Gabrielle, telling him that it appears that the number four is etched in her skin. When Troy is brought into his office, Bo is stopped before he can assault him. Bo leaves so John can question him, but Troy maintains his innocence despite the evidence against him. When Rae and Stephen join in the questioning, Troy cracks and confesses to the murders.

Recaps for the week of January 12, 2004 (Following Week)


Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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