Justin Klosky made his television debut on Guiding Light as Joey Lupo, the star high school baseball player and object of good-girl Tammy Winslow's affection, on July 1, 2003.
Before his debut on GL, Justin studied at New York University, earning degrees in drama and computer applications. He went on to perform in films Pretty Dead Girl and All I Want for Christmas. His theater credits include the New York productions of Three Soldiers and An Angel and A Streetcar Named Desire. Klosky can currently be seen every weekend at New York City's China Club, where he is part of The Karaoke Show, a comedy that melds classic characters from Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors with present-day karaoke culture.
A native of Coral Springs, Florida. Justin's hobbies include singing and electronics.
Guiding Light
Joey Lupo
July 1, 2003 to March 2004 [Recurring]; March 2004 to September 24, 2004 [Contract]
Three Soldiers and An Angel
A Streetcar Named Desire
Daytime Emmys Pre-Nomination, Outstanding Younger Actor (2004)
DATE OF BIRTH: May 14, 1980
PLACE OF BIRTH: Coral Springs, Florida
HAIR: Black
News Archives
News Archive: Klosky auditions for Idol, returns to GL. [Feb 27, 2006]