Mitzi Kapture joined the cast of The Young and the Restless as Anita Hodges in July 2002. Born in Yorba Linda, California and raised in Atlanta, Georgia, she received her acting training from renowned acting coach Larry Moss. Her television credits include starring roles in the USA telefilm His Bodyguard and critically acclaimed USA television film Hide and Seek: The Joanna Jensen Story. She's also had a lead role in the television series Silk Stalkings on the USA Network. In addition, Mitzi has done several independent features and has has also appeared in numerous regional theatre productions at the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta, Georgia.
Mitzi's hobbies include reading, jogging, hiking and yoga. She has also served as spokesperson for the XP Society.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Yorba Linda, California (raised in Atlanta, Georgia)
DATE OF BIRTH: May 2, 1964
HEIGHT: 5'5"
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Green
CHILDREN: Daughter, Madison [Jan 24, 1996]