If you're really attached to any Port Charles characters, you might be sitting on pins and needles over the next couple of weeks. During the course of the November Sweeps period, three --- count them --- three Port Charles characters will meet an untimely demise.
The details of the storyline are extremely hush-hush. A spokesperson for the show told Soap Opera Central that the identities of the marked characters are being kept strictly confidential. "It's going to be a big surprise and we don't want to ruin the surprise," promised the exec.
The murders, though taking place during the crucial November Sweeps ratings period, are said to be more than just a Sweeps stunt. With new writers James Harmon and Barbara Esensten coming aboard, there's a belief that some characters are being cleared off of the canvas because they don't fit in with Harmon and Esensten's vision for the show.
It should also be noted that Port Charles' new writers already have a mass-murder mystery under their belts. The pair teamed up for the Loving Murders that killed off nearly all of Loving's core characters; the survivors then headed on to the short-lived The City.