Scott Banning (adoptive paternal grandfather)
Timmy (name Trish called him as a child)
Birth date September 1977
Medical student
Record producer
Single (assumed)
None (assumed)
David Banning (father)
Trish Clayton (mother)
David Martin (paternal grandfather; deceased)
Julie Olsen (paternal grandmother)
Jim Stanhope (maternal grandfather)
Jeri Clayton (maternal grandmother)
Virginia 'Ginny' Stanhope (half-aunt)
Ben Olsen (paternal great-grandfather) (deceased)
Adelaide Horton (paternal great-grandmother; deceased)
Thomas Horton, Sr. (paternal great-great-grandfather; deceased)
Alice Grayson Horton (paternal great-great-grandmother; deceased)
Sid Grayson (paternal great-great-great-grandfather; deceased)
Abigail Grayson (paternal great-great-great-grandmother; deceased)
Sid Grayson (paternal biological great-great-great-grandfather; deceased)
Abigail Grayson (paternal biological great-great-great-grandmother; deceased)
Richard Martin (paternal uncle; deceased)
Annie Peters (paternal adoptive half-aunt)
Robert Anderson Jr. (paternal biological half-uncle; deceased)
Virginia Stanhope (maternal half-aunt)
Steven Olson (paternal biological great-uncle)
Hope Williams (paternal biological great-half-aunt)
Tommy Horton Jr. (paternal biological great-great-uncle)
Mickey Horton (paternal biological great-great-uncle; deceased)
Bill Horton (paternal biological great-great-uncle)
Marie Horton (paternal biological great-great-aunt)
Spencer Olson (paternal biological first cousin once removed / maternal half-nephew)
Shawn-Douglas Brady (paternal biological first half-cousin once removed)
Zack Brady (paternal biological first half-cousin once removed; deceased)
Ciara Brady (paternal biological first half-cousin once removed)
Claire Brady (paternal biological second half-cousin)
Sandy Horton (paternal biological first cousin twice removed)
Melissa Horton (paternal first cousin twice removed; via adoption)
Sarah Horton (paternal biological first cousin twice removed; via adoption)
Mike Horton (paternal biological first cousin twice removed)
Jennifer Horton (paternal biological first cousin twice removed)
Lucas Horton (paternal biological first cousin twice removed)
Jessica Blake (paternal biological first cousin twice removed)
Jeremy Horton (paternal biological second cousin once removed)
Nathan Horton (paternal second cousin once removed; via adoption)
Abigail Deveraux (paternal biological second cousin once removed)
Jack Deveraux Jr. (paternal biological second cousin once removed)
Will Horton (paternal biological second cousin once removed)
Alice Caroline Horton (paternal second cousin once removed)
Nick Fallon (paternal second cousin once removed)
Arianna Grace Horton (paternal third cousin)
None (assumed)
Faith Taylor
Scotty Banning is the son of David and Trish Banning, and grandson to Julie Williams. Scotty, now called Scott, returned to Salem in 1989. Scott claimed that he owned the land that Wings was on and he forced Nick into giving him a job at the club. He soon met and fell in love with Faith Taylor, who had an exceptional signing voice. Scott became her manager and he got her a job singing at Wings. In 1990 a vicious storm hit Salem and left Faith paralyzed. Eve Donovan, who was in love with Faith's current boyfriend Scott, plotted to keep the two of them apart. Eve brought Scott's shadowy record producing scams and secrets to Faith's attention in hopes that it would cause problems. Eve's plan failed miserable. Faith walked again and when Scott was accepted to medical school, Faith and Scott left Salem.