Introduced as J.J's high school friend in 2013. Assumed to be 17.
Drug Dealer
Somewhere in Salem
None (assumed)
Drug use (May 2013)
Slashed Daniel's car tires (May 2013)
Broke Daniel's car windows (June 2013)
Sold marijuana and prescription drugs (May -June 2013)
Helped entrap Theresa (February 2014)
Rory was J.J.'s high-school age friend who would frequently smoke marijuana with J.J. He also helped J.J. vandalize Daniel's car and started selling drugs with J.J.
One night, J.J. witnessed Theresa overdose. From that night on, he stopped doing and selling drugs. However, he still remained friends with Rory, even enlisting Rory's help getting blackmail material on Theresa to neutralize her.